Moon Phases

Rooster Candle BLACK (4.5 inch)


Rooster Candle


This candle is intricately designed and hand made

Rooster symbolism stands for vigilance, dawn, hope, new day, resurrection, insolence, inordinate and frustrated desire, and also self-confidence, even defiance and symbolizes hope and a brand new day

The rooster or cock rooster also stands for the male or masculine principle. It also denotes incest. 

A White rooster symbolism stands for luck.

Black rooster symbolism is linked to death, night, danger, and evil.

Red rooster symbolism is linked to fire, sun, and protection from fire.

The rooster’s medicine brought strength, wisdom, guidance, caring, and insight to the clan members.

To the Chinese the rooster is a good luck charm – It represents money and good luck focusing on work, money, and organizing time and money. 

In the cult of Ancestors, the rooster is symbolic of the human soul’s clock; the crest and the rooster’s spirit in the cult enclose the mystic of the mystical meal. It represents the limited time of man on earth.

In Celtic symbolism the rooster is the announcer of the new day, embodying the active side of life. It is also a symbol of the lust for love and life and of fertility. 

The rooster animal accompanies Hermes or Mercury, who is God of abundance and financial success. Thus, a roosters’ sign is linked to business, finances, money, and wealth. The white rooster symbolism is also seen in Gaul accompanying the Mother Goddess, who is a symbol of fertility. 

The rooster is also seen as a fighter, as a symbol of war. Its lust for fighting got it involved in cockfighting since early times. 

To Africans, the symbolism In antiquity, the rooster’s sexual aggressiveness made him a powerful fertility symbol. The rooster also figures significantly in African fetishism. It is a powerful voodoo symbol and the rooster icon is the symbol of cults and clans.  For many rituals and sacrifices, the rooster’s throat is slit as its blood is considered to be very precious to the ritual. Many Africans also keep roosters and chickens in their backyard. However, a homestead rooster is never sold because it symbolizes masculinity, sexual potency, and the continuity of the lineage, among many other things; thus, to sell a rooster for money is tantamount to selling a family member. 

During the initiation ceremonies of tribes, roosters are also sacrificed. They cut the cock or black rooster’s throat and mix its blood with gunpowder, tobacco, pepper, sesame, and cane sugar. This holy mixture is applied to the head of the neophytes and initiates. Here, the rooster symbol is meant to purify, cleanse, and bless. The Abaluyia tribe in Kenya believes that the red rooster is the source of thunder and lightning. For when Wele Xalaba had created the sun, moon, heaven, and earth, he placed a large red rooster in the sky to start thunder and lightning.

A rooster in the henhouse meaning is aggression, masculinity, and virility. Roosters are also fire- symbols, unabashedly singing to the entire world. 

Rooster Spirit Animal

Rooster’s powers of observation can also be understood to represent spiritual vigilance. Rooster brings advice from the spirit world and the animal kingdom. Heed its advice. 

The rooster is vigilant, resourceful, and also very masculine. It is always active and may even appear cocky to some. The proud rooster takes an aggressive stance on the hens. It symbolizes masculinity. 

The rooster animal totem stands for pride and self-confidence.

  • Shipping Weight: 0.4lbs
  • 1 Units in Stock
  • Manufactured by: MMC

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