Moon Phases

Goddess - Triple Maiden Mother Crone - SAGE GREEN


The Triple Goddess  - Maiden Mother & Crone has been empowered by the intricate design made by hand

The Triple Goddess is a symbol that many have celebrated for centuries across cultures. The Triple Goddess is representative of the Maiden, Mother, and Crone. She celebrates the waxing, the waning, and the full moon. She is the embodiment of the moon in all of its phases. She teaches us how to live in balance, fully embodied in each phase of our lives, the Maiden, the Mother & the Crone.

Many believe that the Goddess Hecate was the original triple Goddess and has been worshipped as such since the 8th century BCE.

As a triple Goddess, she stands at the crossroads looking at all ways at once.

The triple Goddess contains the Maiden, Mother, and Crone archetypes. While these archetypes can stand alone, in their own power, they are meant to work together. Working with all phases of life and all phases of the moon.

The Maiden

The Maiden is the archetype at the precipice. She is ready to leave home, enter the underworld, go into the depths, ready for rebirth or the next phase of life. Examples are told through tales of Persephone, Vasilisa and Baba Yaga, Artemis, and Inanna and the Underworld.

The Maiden walks the world independently, authentic, fierce, curious, open-minded, and intelligent. Not a virgin as many believe but simply one who is out on her own in the world and finding her own way financially and of her own means.

The Maiden is associated with the waxing moon. Work with her in Maiden form by visualizing her energies.

The Mother

The mother is the nurturer full of wisdom. At this stage of the triple Goddess is fertile and full of ideas, projects. You may recognize The Mother in stories surrounding those of Gaia, Demeter, or Isis.

The Mother teaches us about standing on our own two feet. After we enter the underworld, rebirth, coming into womanhood and who we are. Coming into her own power with the world at her feet. Ideas, projects, business, knowledge to be gained, the world is her oyster…

Work with the Mother best at the Full Moon phase, with releasing what does not serve you and doing intentional rituals to bring it to fruition. What projects or feelings or dreams can you nourish? How can you connect with the earth in new and sustainable ways?  

The Crone

The Crone is the wise woman and all-knowing, she is associated with the waning phase of the moon. In touch with the liminal, the intuitive, and the psychic. Recognized through tales of those like Baba Yaga, La Befana, and the Cailleach among others.

Known as The Wise Woman and knows the power of transmutation. She knows the value of the shadows, and of the Dark Goddess.

Take a look at all sides, all perspectives, trust ourselves, be more intuitive, and magickal.

Ask ourselves the hard questions. We may have to move beyond what is comfortable, beyond the expectations of society. The Crone will support us every step of the way, moving slowly, singing songs, and doing whatever she deems necessary for your peace and happiness.

☆Please note: our Triple Goddess candle has some extremely fragile parts. They often chip within the mold itself. If not in the mold, they may in transit. We have done all that we can to correct this but unfortunately, they have much too fragile pieces. If you are missing miniscule pieces from her,(very small; leaves, apple, chips etc), we humbly ask this be acceptable.

When we receive too many complaints regarding minor breaks on candles, we end up discontinuing shipping them. We do not want this to become the case with Triple Goddess. 

  • Shipping Weight: 0.8lbs
  • 1 Units in Stock
  • Manufactured by: MMC

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