Moon Phases

New Moon Lunar Esbat Incense Lg.


The New Moon represents the Goddess in her aspect as the Dark Mother, Darksome night. A time of initiation and new beginnings, a time to plant seeds of what you want to grow in your life. New Projects, Rejuvenation, Beauty, Self-Empowerment, Nurturing, time for Dark Works and so much more.

The New Moon offers us its energy of intention, to rid ourselves of the negative habits in our life. The energy of the new moon aids us in ridding our minds and bodies of toxic thought patterns as well as eliminating toxic substances like excess alcohol, processed foods, caffeine & tobacco usage.

It is believed that as the moon grows, so will your intention or goal usually by the time the moon completes its cycle and returns full circle to new again.

However, we are essentially working blind however, without the illumination of the Sun’s wisdom. We are working 100% on our instincts, so any decisions made at this time will be from habitual drives and infantile cravings which may not be in our best interests. We should listen to our body, because the more we tune into it, the more we can tell the difference between a wounded ancestor who is crying out for attention and a genuine gut-feeling that is one’s trusted intuition. Otherwise, discernment is needed, because the guidance of the Sun (the light of truth) is missing at the New Moon and one may easily be hoodwinked.

You can work powerful manifestation magick because the Moon is furthest from the earth and this frees the imagination from material limits. Thought-seeds planted at the New Moon will grow, so be careful what you wish for!

During a Solar Eclipse, see it as a powerful reboot. The blinding light of the Sun is blocked for just enough time to get a new perspective. It is mind-altering and refreshing, but it can turn your world upside down too.

With this formula of blended Herbs and Resins we created this amazing incense mixture for the celebration of the Esbat New Moon, Blessed and Charged during the New Moon.

Our incense is made only of the finest organic herbs, essential oils and resins pertaining to the New Moon and is best to burn with charcoal discs.

  • Shipping Weight: 0.2lbs
  • 49 Units in Stock
  • Manufactured by: CBS

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