Moon Phases

Imbolc / Imbolic Sabbat Oil 1/2 Oz.


A formula of blended Herbs and Resins created this amazing incense mixture for the celebration of the Sabbat Imbolc/Imbolic/Oiemlic - PURIFICATION AND FIRE.


As the days’ lengthening becomes perceptible, we would light the candles as an act of magick to embrace the growing light and help it grow. Our candlelight would also help hasten the warming of the earth and awaken the Earth Mother and emphasize the reviving of life.


Imbolc meant the spring was coming. When the breath of life begins to awaken the sleeping earth and craftwork, both magickal and mundane, is honored. The blessing of seeds, newborn lambs, and new life to come. The name “Imbolc” is from Old Irish, and may mean “in the belly”, and Oimelc, “ewe’s milk”, as this is the lambing time.


It is the holiday of the Celtic Fire Goddess Brigid daughter of the great God Dagda, whose threefold nature rules smithcraft, poetry/inspiration, and healing. Brigid’s fire is a symbolic transformation offering healing, visions, and tempering. Brigid is also a goddess of holy wells.


For those of other paths and traditions it is the time of all Fire Goddesses, so work with one of the Fire Goddesses of your path or Tradition.


Februum is also a Latin word meaning purification — naming February the month of cleansing. The thaw releases waters all that was hindered is let flow at this season.


Our Sabbat Oil is made only of the finest organic herbs, essential oils and resins pertaining to this Sabbat then Blessed and Charged solely for this purpose.

  • Shipping Weight: 0.06lbs
  • 50 Units in Stock
  • Manufactured by: CBS

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