Moon Phases

Herbs (bulk)

For those who wish to purchase your herbs in bulks by the pound.

1 Lb Agrimony

1 Lb Agrimony

Agrimony is often used in spells, rituals and mojo bags to protect from and expel negative energies and influences. Agrimony is also connected to...


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1 Lb Alfalfa Leaf cut

1 Lb Alfalfa Leaf cut

Alfalfa is traditionally used as an herb of prosperity and money gathering and as proof against hunger due to a lack of money. It is also connected...


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1 Lb Allspice whole

1 Lb Allspice whole

Pimenta dioica, Pimento officinalis, or Eugenia Pimenta Allspice is associated with the element of fire and the planet Mars. It is masculine in...


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1 Lb Anise Star whole

1 Lb Anise Star whole

Anise Star is a well known ingredient in protective and meditative incenses and is sometimes used as a charm for these purposes. It is also connected...


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1 Lb Barberry Root Bark cut

1 Lb Barberry Root Bark cut

Barberry is sometimes called Holy Thorn or Jaundice Berry. It has been used for fabric dye and in medicine. It can be used to banish or create a...


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1 Lb Bay Leaves whole

1 Lb Bay Leaves whole

Bay leaves are the laurels of myth and legend worn by Roman and Greek victors, and are said to be useful in creating essential oils, spells of...


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1 Lb Bearberry (Uva-Ursi) whole

1 Lb Bearberry (Uva-Ursi) whole

Used sometimes by Native Americans in smudging, Bearberry (or kinnikinnick) smoke is said to carry the prayers of those who use it.


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1 Lb Burdock Root cut

1 Lb Burdock Root cut

Often used in purification, Burdock is also a powerful aid in protecting against negative energies and black magic.


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1 Lb Cat's Claw Bark cut

1 Lb Cat's Claw Bark cut

Known in South and Central American lore as a powerful aid for various uses, Cat's Claw Bark can also be an aid in mojo or other magicks.


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1 Lb Chamomile Flower whole

1 Lb Chamomile Flower whole

Particularly useful for those seeking good luck, Chamomile can be quite helpful when seeking love and prosperity. Its aromatic scent also helps...


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1 Lb Cinnamon cut

1 Lb Cinnamon cut

Known as a spice, Cinnamon is also quite potent in healing magic, and spells of protection and passion. It is associated with fire and the sun, and...


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1 Lb Cloves whole

1 Lb Cloves whole

Cloves are potent in rituals used for banishing negative energies and spirits, and in magic seeking to aid or begin love and friendship.


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1 Lb Coltsfoot Leaf

1 Lb Coltsfoot Leaf

Believed to improve luck in spells of prosperity, wealth and love.


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1 Lb Comfrey Leaf cut (cert org)

1 Lb Comfrey Leaf cut (cert org)

Useful in spells of protection and blessings for travel and can be used as an offerring in many Paths.


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1 Lb Comfrey Root cut (Symphytum officinale)

1 Lb Comfrey Root cut (Symphytum officinale)

Worn or carried, Comfrey protects and ensures safety during travel. Comfrey also has associations with Feminine energy, Saturn and Water.


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1 Lb Dandelion Leaf cut

1 Lb Dandelion Leaf cut

Dandelion Leaf is a powerful aid in summoning spirits and it is also quite useful in rituals of purification.


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1 Lb Dandelion Root cut (Taraxacum officinale)

1 Lb Dandelion Root cut (Taraxacum officinale)

Dandelion Root also known as Taraxacum Officinale, originated in easter Europe. Dandelions are considered "weeds" to some but little do people know...


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1 Lb Devi's Claw Root cut (Harpagophytum procumbens)

1 Lb Devi's Claw Root cut (Harpagophytum procumbens)

Discovered from the tribes of South Africa, Devil's Claw Root gained popularity among European explorers. It can be used to reverse evil, claw your...


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1 Lb Dog Grass Root cut

1 Lb Dog Grass Root cut

Used as incense in medieval Northern Europe, Dog Grass Root has also been used to treat the pain of urinary infection since classical Greece. Also...


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1 Lb Elder Berries whole (Sambucus nigra)

1 Lb Elder Berries whole (Sambucus nigra)

Elderberry also known as Sambucus Nigra, originating in Europe. A fruit produced from the enchanting elder tree used in holistic healing practices...


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1 Lb Eleutherococcus pwd

1 Lb Eleutherococcus pwd

Eleuthecoccus senticosus is very close to Ginseng and can be used to similar effect. It is noted for its usefulness in ritual, spell and meditation...


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1 Lb Eucalyptus cut

1 Lb Eucalyptus cut

Commonly utilized in spells involving protection or healing, Eucalyptus has been known around the world for its aromatic and mystical qualities.


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1 Lb Fennel Seed

1 Lb Fennel Seed

Used to ward off evil spirits, Fennel can aid in preventing curses and empowering other protective magic.


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1 Lb Fenugreek Seed whole

1 Lb Fenugreek Seed whole

Fenugreek Seed also known as Trigonella Foenum Graecum originated in India. Greek Hay is also a name for this herb with a long history of use in...


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1 Lb Feverfew cut

1 Lb Feverfew cut

Believed to possess many curative powers. Release fears and feverish worry in ritual, or in candle magic, raise your spirit and emotional stability.


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1 Lb Flax Seed

1 Lb Flax Seed

Providing abundant aid to those working spells seeking prosperity, Flax Seed is also useful in healing and protection magic.


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1 Lb Galangal Root cut

1 Lb Galangal Root cut

Known for aiding in spells seeking justice and victory in court, Galangal is also of use in magic that is intended to protect against hexes and...


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1 Lb Ginger Root cut

1 Lb Ginger Root cut

Ginger root is often used in spell work designed to attract something to the user; be it Love, Money or Success. Ginger is also connected to...


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1 Lb Hawthorn Berries whole

1 Lb Hawthorn Berries whole

Hawthorn Berries and trees are around the world in many varieties. Gaelic legend marks it as the entrance to the "Otherworld", R. Graves links it to...


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1 Lb Hops Flower whole

1 Lb Hops Flower whole

Known mostly as an ingredient for beer and ale, hops has also been used around the world for many purposes, even for love drawing, invisibility and...


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