Moon Phases



In January of 2015, I created a recipe for Chronic Pain of all kinds. While in the bed at NYU Joint Disease the doctors and nurses saw me using my Chronic Pain Oil mixture on many parts of my body, they of course wondered what it was and why I was using it. When one of the nurses complained excessively about pain, I offered to her some to try. She showed up in my room the next day and the first thing she said was she had no more pains and that she even used it on her grandmother and how much it helped her as well. She asked how much and I said well I was not selling it, let me get back to you. After thinking about it and all the ingredients I put into it I said $30 a bottle. Since then some nurses, doctors and some of their patients use my oils.

Recently I took my Chronic Pain Oil with me to events, I had 10 of them with me so I placed them out, It essentially almost sold out. I had to steal one of them for myself since I was in extreme pain, could barely move, my shoulders felt like they were being wrenched out of the socket.... basically like most of my joints feel on a daily basis, since I have Lupus and Osteoarthritis.

So I thought I'd share this with all of you who suffer with pain on a daily basis, I am one of you. I am my own infomercial as to how well it works. It worked so well that I'm almost ready to give a guarantee that it would work on anyone for anything…. but we all know that I cannot nor anyone else can do that. Anyway, I had my friend rub it on my back for me, (to which I am eternally grateful)... well it worked almost instantly to 5 minutes later the pain had completely dissipated. I went to bed, woke up, took a shower, still almost no pain. Now that's saying something for someone who lives with pain on a daily basis, then spent the rest of the day working the event.

I've been prescribed Tylenol Codeine 4 to be taken 3 times per day, which is an extremely strong pain killer. Actually it is considered one of the strongest. So to avoid having to take so many I had to come up with something else to further ease the pain. This is what started me out on the quest to create something to help me with my pain.

My recipe ended up being a concoction mixture of 19 different essential oils and herbs, so of course it is expensive to make, but you know what, to me it Is worth it. After seeing how much I am in daily pain, I started realizing a lot of people I know are constantly living in pain as well.

I am no Scientist or Doctor so I cannot tell you exactly what or how it works... other than it TRULY WORKS WITH relieving your CHRONIC PAIN, like Lupus, Fibermyalgia etc, on all parts of the body. The rest is history.

As usual, even when something is great I am always trying to improve upon it. In making this batch when I saw how many people was interested in purchasing this oil, I added 5 more herbs and oils to the mixture… in the hopes of it helping even more people, making it now 24 herbs & essential oils in this mixture.

Do hope this oil helps to improve your life in some way, and if it does please do let us know. That way we know we are easing some of your pain. I've also noticed, that it becomes even more stronger and potent the longer you have the mixture.

Blessed be to you all!!!






If you are pregnant, nursing or taking any medications please consult your doctor before using.


This product is © copyrighted 2015 by Ann Lazaroff, Starr RavenHawk and Christine Narducci and All rights reserved. No potion of his recipe may be reproduced in any form without permission of its creators, as permitted by the U.S. copyright law.



Joni R. from Watervliet, New York,

Hi Starr. I cant believe it. I got the pain oil today and I cant believe it!

Little backstory,..I have now, 3 autoimmune disorders. I have arthritis throughout my body, I have nerve endings that twitch and burn 24/7. Last night, my nerves in my hand and arm kept triggering my muscles to involuntarily spasm and contort nightly, I lost sleep because of pain and lack of mobility, my bones always ache, my muscles are always in pain. About 15 years ago, I went to my doctor. The back pain was so severe, I could barely walk and it hurt to hold my head up. His response…. "oh it’s not that bad" .. but he ordered the MRI, and with egg on his face, called me to tell me that my only recourse was surgery. I had 9 herniated and ruptured, and bulging discs. 2 of them that will press against my spinal cord periodically. I cried. I was a single parent with young kids. These discs went from the base of my skull to my tailbone. I opted to not have surgery, as he told me I’d need 3 surgeries to start, as they will not cut me open top to bottom, but operate in sections. Then he said, count on at least 2 surgeries per section, so right away, he was talking about 6 surgeries! And… back surgeries are tricky, no guarantees of it actually helping. So I decided not to do it, and have been in pain 24/7. Lately, I can’t lift my right arm or move it much. Today when I got your pain oil, I tried it on my right shoulder and neck, where the Arthritis and nerve pain is worst today.

5 minutes later, I could move my neck and shoulder freely, no pain. I literally cried, surprising myself. What a Blessed Relief! Thank you so much for doing this.

And I just put it in my skin that had been ravaged by the swelling and rash 30 minutes later, it was smooth and the redness was almost gone. I’m going to have my daughter who has psoriasis try it too. Thank you so much.

You have a loyal customer here!

I CAN lift my arm over my head and turn my hand in every direction. You have a gold mine here. The effects are still lasting after longer than 30 hours, thank you….

.... Starr.... Liquid Gold! It is an amazing product, worked wonders immediately. I was ever careful not to spill or waste a drop, as it is so valuable, and the thought occurred to me..... this is LIQUID GOLD!

  • Model: PAINOIL2oz
  • Shipping Weight: 2lbs
  • 13 Units in Stock
  • Manufactured by: CBS

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