Moon Phases

Ancient Secrets

777 & Other Qabalistic Writings by Aleister Crowley

777 & Other Qabalistic Writings by Aleister Crowley

777 Other Qabalistic Writings by Aleister Crowley edited and introduced by Dr. Israel Regardie, find within the three texts of Gematria, Sepher...


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Book of Celtic Magic

Book of Celtic Magic

Delve into the depths of a magical current that spans over two thousand years. The Book of Celtic Magic provides the unsurpassed power of practical...


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Communing with the Ancestors

Communing with the Ancestors

This book demonstrates how to communicate and make contact with ancestral spirits, including practical methods for seeking their guidance. Raven...


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Druidry Handbook

Druidry Handbook

The Druidry Handbook by John Greer seeks to explore the living spiritual tradition rooted in the Celtic past, and seeks to help you explore Druidry...


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Honoring your Ancestors by Mallorie Vaudoise

Honoring your Ancestors by Mallorie Vaudoise

Learn how to connect to your ancestors and receive the benefits that come from veneration?powerful magic and spellwork, deeper spirituality, more...


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Mythical Creature Bible

Mythical Creature Bible

Fabulous animals, specters from the shadow world, nature spirits, and sacred beings: these are the monstrous, marvelous, and mythic creatures that...


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Occult Book by John Michael Greer

Occult Book by John Michael Greer

Explore the occult from ancient times to the modern day with one of its most respected scholars and practitioners. Take an enlightening journey...


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Powers of the Psalms

Powers of the Psalms

Power of the Psalms includes 375 different ways to use psalms for love, power, success, blessings, prosperity, protection and much more.


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Secrets of the Psalms

Secrets of the Psalms

The meaning of this book in Hebrew means praises or songs of praise. These Psalms were gathered over a long period of time starting from the days of...


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